Winter time is MOLOTOW™ time!

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When temperatures outside drop far beyond zero, overkills are a common and annoying problem. Not with us! MOLOTOW™ PREMIUM, and the action classics COVERSALL™ and BURNER™ have always been the only spray cans doing their job like a Swiss clockwork.

100{ed1b542e18a3fdb29a343f0bf5604cce6e71819c6df381e846b4d07cb9d1dc18} Overkill-save – even when hell freezes over.
100{ed1b542e18a3fdb29a343f0bf5604cce6e71819c6df381e846b4d07cb9d1dc18} function guaranteed – worldwide patented and certified.
100{ed1b542e18a3fdb29a343f0bf5604cce6e71819c6df381e846b4d07cb9d1dc18} original MOLOTOW™ spray paint technology.

Therefore cold fingers should be the only problem for you to worry about.

Trust the original and give the winter the cold shoulder.

(c) MYMOLOTOW – Read entire story here.