Wherever The BROXE Takes Me

The origins of the word Broxe can be traced back to Tommy’s house, where many magical things happen when we’re broxing on the blue couch. If you’re from Quebec and you were smart enough to learn French, you are probably familiar with the term une brosse. “J’ai passer une criss de grosse brosse hier” which pretty much means “I got really hammered last night”. If you know Tommy even just a little, you know he likes to get hammered and fucked-up and he often does it in his boxers. So like most of our bastardized language, he smashed the word brosse with boxers to make BROXE, which is an indicator that you’re getting real wavy in your boxers. This has extended our immediate circle and has become a synonym in our subculture for things related to partying and getting fucked-up.

The following is a small collection of photos of such moments from the past few months. These are all outtakes from our new zine “BROXE Vol. 2″, which will be coming out shortly.


This was Halloween. This wigger got dressed as A$AP Yams, rocking bootleg Jordans we got at the corner store by his crib. A night like this, anything can happen…


Word to your mother, by the time I got to the goddamn venue, I was already totally broxed-out. Laughing too loud, yelling at people, pissing on stage while the homie is playing and shooting off my camera under girl’s slutty Halloween skirts…. Shout-out to Kevin Mytofir for lifting me home for a sloppy booty call. It was Godsent.


Welp… Some people can’t stand the broxe factor. This girl was puking live on stage while Yung Mozart was playing his gig at the SAT last month. Shout out to the talanted Blyza, a reputable broxer on the come-up who witnessed this shit go down.


Tagging with lipstick after some wild broxing at Mayday’s night at Salong… Who the neighbors?

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Shout-out to Phil and the whole Dime squad. Broxe, on a whole new level. The forty is the bass and the joint is the treble…


Boiler Room… All I remember is broxing on the rooftop mad early, douchebags with wizard staffs, Guilt’s lil’ brother Daniel showing up at one point and making fun of fashionable people that were found at the event… HAARYOU!


After-hour house party broxing is always appreciated…


Gotta be careful when broxing because passing out around other people on the broxe can be hazardous…


It starts with a few funny hand-masks and next thing you know you got a roll of toilet paper burning on you…


Some people don’t even make it to the after party…


WOW… Just WOW. I mean, if you know anything about Montreal, you would know what this photo means. Possibly two of the realest rappers to have ever come out of our city Broxing together for the first time… Legendary.


Party Animal don’t give a fuck… This veteran has seen it all. This local rapper stuff ain’t nuffin’ new. Gotta update the Untapped, no time for legendary rap moments.

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Classic broxe moment when everyone comes out of a venue extremely devastated and lingers around aimlessly before fucking off home or to the after party… This is usually when someone takes out a marker and the closest wall and or store-front goes to shit… I mean gets beautifully decorated with urban art at the expense of us, the tax payers. You sold us the alcohol, taxed us, got us drunk and this is the result. If graffiti is a serious problem than what is alcohol?



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Ahh, the good ol’ after-hour bathrooms… This is where the broxe gets spooky. This type of broxe could and will be detrimental to your health if it occurs on a weekly or daily basis…


Otherwise, BROXE!


Pre-show broxe anticipation…


Big shallout to pre-rolled spliffs and pre-packed vape pens with extra batteries. This makes life so much easier once on stage, fully on the broxe…



Crowd surfing with a pre-rolled spliff in the jimmy-hat… WOW. What a lovely performance. When work meets pleasure…


Backstage bomb rush… Basically, 30-deep in a spot that would normally fit 4 “artists”… Rampage the fucking place like savages.. Water bottles, leftover sandwiches, chips, beers, and any alcohol lying around is fair game… We ain’t never seen fame, how we suppose to know how to behave?




“One time… without a comdom” – Big Jo The Legend..


Bus shelter broxe with no other than the fucking LEGEND himself. Wow, this man represents everything that I love about this city. Kicking freestyles about the size of his cock in a bus shelter during an ice storm… Outstanding performance.


Who says you can’t Broxe in winter? Dust off your skates, pack your little vape, grab a bokkle at the SAQ and go to Lac-Des-Castors for some Broxing on Ice. Shout out to all the Novi Ruskis broxing out in Sochi spending millions on luxury hookers and rare bottles of whiskey. RESPECT!


The last quarter of the year was just one broxe after another… New Years was a good last broxe to seal yet another spectacular year of mook living.

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The after-broxe effect…


Sometimes, the broxe catches up to you and you end up in a permanent broxe which is also known as chronic alcoholism/drug addiction. You may end up homeless and hopeless so be careful…


Ultimately, we will all expire one day so it’s important to enjoy these really short moments we have in the physical realm. Some do it by eating only vegetables, others do it by getting completely hammered in a cemetery at 4 in the afternoon. Who are we to judge? One is not better than the other but they do have different consequences. So, broxe in style and broxe safely. Because if you expire too early, you will miss out on a bunch of broxes you could of participated in if you were just a bit more careful.

Music is quite important when broxing… One of my favorite artists to listen to when I’m on the broxe is Project Pat. This new mix by Mayday is a dream come true…  Enjoy this dope shit right here and see you at the next broxe!

DJ Mayday Presents: Jack One – A Project Pat Dedication by Djmayday on Mixcloud

Cover photo jacked from Third Looks…

DIRECT DOWNLOAD HERE (right click, save as)

More installments of Wherever The Broxe Takes Me from your favorite broxtagraphers are already on their way…

(c) MOOK-LIFE – Read entire story here.