Vapes, Earwax & Jimmy Hats…

First of all: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Much love to all the mooks supporting the movement. I met a mook at the NYE party and he was rocking a Mook Life hoodie with a sticker on his hat, on the BROXE as he should be… He got me a drink and told me he’s a big fan and supporter of the movement. He asked me how he can be Mook Life and I told him “You’re already Mook Life!”

This is a movement, a lifestyle that resonates with the like-minded, so if you’re living how we living and you get down like us and fuck with what we fuck with, you’re already Mook Life! You either live it or you don’t. There is no exclusive membership or gang initiations, just represent right and we’ll represent back for you.  Respect to all the mooks worldwide. We do this for you… We do this for us.

We gonna start the year by introducing some long-awaited goodies we promised to deliver y’all this year. When I went to Cali this summer, I seen the future. Medical-grade shatter and waxes had me lifted throughout the whole trip. It’s some shit I’ve always thought about when I was a young stoner; Getting high on pure concentrates with futuristic devices. Smoking anywhere, anytime with the click of a button… WOW. Although BHO has been around for ages, it is only now becoming increasingly popular to the point where a lot of people have switched to strictly vaping and dabbing. For someone like myself who’s been puffing for well over a decade, this is heaven-sent. It’s something like a quantum leap in pot smoking. After vaping for a week straight in Cali, it became clear to me that this was something I was going to keep doing when I got back home.

What we got in Cali was medical-grade BHO, made by serious people in labs with all the right equipment. Since it’s relatively simple to make, many lazy-boy chefs have been making it at home with makeshift tools and poor knowledge. As a result, some have accidentally burned down their labs and in a few cases people have lost their lives in fatal explosions… Darwinism at its best. Seriously, this shit is not a joke. People have been poisoned using PVC tubes and not purging the butane properly if at all. People losing their arm and facial hair in mini-explosions daily. I bet some idiot just lost his eyebrows as I’m writing this because he didn’t do his chemistry homework.

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That being said, I don’t recommend anybody trying it at home. If you don’t have the knowledge as well as the right tools, you will just end up making shitty BHO and putting your life along with others in danger. Those who have access to such medication either via medical licence or a trusty, reliable source know that there is a great deal of difference between amateur shit and product made by scientists. This is strictly for livemen, NOT for freshmen…

The other thing is the Vape Pens. There are so many brands… Most of them are based on just a few models, rocking a different logo. Many of you already know that a lot of them are flimsy and break easy, so after extensively using pretty much every style Vape Pen from all the major brands, we have determined that the E-Cig JR AKA Atmos-style pens have the best overall design and build quality for the price. We decided to join the party and bootlegged our own version of these dope little devices.

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Introducing the most official: BROXE, the Premium Puff pen vaporizer. Out of all the pens we tested, this one was the most reliable, slick and gave the biggest hits. It’s super easy to use and holds a pretty good charge for the size battery it has. Also, this is a standard E-Cig mount on the battery so if you have any other atomizers, you can simply screw them on top of the battery. We will also have additional atomizers available soon so you can have different heating chambers with different waxes in them. We made a limited run and it’s available online for the humble price of $69.69. For more info, make sure to peep the product description in the shop. For those new to the vape game or if you just copped your first BROXE pen, let Big Jo The Legend explain to you how it works and in what situations vaping might be ideal…

We also got a few Mook Life Jimmy Hats available to keep you warm through this brutal winter.


OG, snug-fit Jimmy Hat in Opium Tar Black with the bulletproof logo. 


Classic New Era Jimmy Toque with the pom-pom in Navy (only 3 left).


OG, classic-fit Jimmy Hat in Quebec Blue (only 3 left).


OG, classic-fit Jimmy Hat in Bum Navy (only 3 left).

First five people to cop a BROXE pen will get a free hat. The first 20 people to cop the BROXE pen or the Jimmy Hat will receive a free giant Mook Life sticker.

Much respect to all the people who have supported us over the years. There are tons of fuckboy misconceptions regarding the movement and what it all means. We don’t bother with fucknobs who don’t get it. We will keep concentrating on what we love and what we represent. We will keep providing you guys with the real-life mook shit no other website is able to do.


(c) MOOK-LIFE – Read entire story here.