Tokio Hotel Releases New Remixes by Cazzette and Pionear

THvsCazzette_small  THvsPionear_small

After venturing into the electronic space with their new album Kings of Suburbia, the band has released two new remixes of their hit single “Love Who Loves You Back” by Cazzette and Pinear, respectively. Cazzette is fresh off their track “Blind Heart,” which reached #1 on the Billboard Dance chart earlier this month, along with the 2014 release of “Sleepless,” featuring vocals from UK artist The High, which was certified gold in Sweden.

New De-Code LTD signee Pionear is new to the EDM scene, having caught the interest of label president Shiro Gutzie with his unique production style. His first release is the very dance-worthy remix of Tokio Hotel’s lead track, which is the first of (hopefully) many quality releases to come in 2015.

Fans can catch Tokio Hotel on their world tour starting on March 6th in London. Be sure to follow Tokio Hotel on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

(c) Salacious Sound – Read entire story here.