Plus the guests was Emilia Clarke, Jason Momoa, Regina King, Camilla Cabello

It’s officially winter time! Hello fur coat and scarves. I actually like this weather when it’s crisp and the sky is clear and I was those annoying people moaning about the heat so I figured I should just enjoy the cold!

This month was Breast Cancer Awareness Month and of course Black History Month! I did my annual post of the books that I have at home with a black main character written by a black author for children/YA and it has grown! There is way more to get but my to read pile is actually a joke right now. Actually my submission pile is a myth right now. I am literally whizzing through to make sure I don’t miss any gems and I am reading a manuscript now for Hashtag BLAK and am really into it. Fingers crossed Helen feels the same!

Our book Ticking off Breast Cancer by Sara Liyanage became a bestseller on Amazon and Waterstones!!!!!! I am so so happy for her and I think this is our 4th bestseller so I am well chuffed for our little pub house.

We took part in #DVPit this year. So Helen and I had never heard of this until recently. It’s basically a day on Twitterland when authors pitch their books and if you’re a publisher, editor or agent you can like their tweet, then it’s up to the authors to submit to you. I think I got over excited and was liking so many things but so many sounded so good! We got loads of submissions for Hashtag BLAK (hence me trying to whiz through) and I am so excited to read through them all. We really want to sign at least one author before the year is up. Fingers crossed.

El Camino was literally the closure I didn’t even know I needed. Breaking Bad will forever be one of the best series ever.

Dance has been going well. My knees have stopped hurting – thank God! And I have learnt most of the stuff for the show. It’s been so nice seeing the girls that I literally spent years and hours with again and it’s funny how we fall into our old habits. And I got to see my Rosa!!!!! I’m sure she is in old entries of this blog. That’s been one of my highlights. But what wasn’t was all the floor work like bloody hell I haven’t done floor work in years! So guess what I had to do? Order knee pads and the joke is I threw away my knee pads 2 months ago cause I was like why would I need these? Then I had no idea where to get knee pads from. I must have ordered about four different shit types until Aleta sent me a link and they were perfect. I was knee spinning all over the place.

I actually eat so badly. I used to eat pretty well and I got better but recently I don’t know what I’m doing. I must think I’m 25 and can eat whatever and that is not life anymore. I’m reading through one of our book we’re doing in Jan called Get Strong, Get Fit, Get Happy and there was a section on nutrition that made me sit up. It made me realise I need to start taking health more seriously!

Kim K’s Legally Blonde video for Halloween is actually one of the best things I’ve seen.

Oh and I had to remove my Lox Knight picture from my last post. It’s a long story and don’t worry I will tell all but a warning  –  DO NOT WORK with Chocolate City Comics. The guy Tobias (who hides his identity because he is a white man making money off black art) runs the company and is a scam artist. Trust me on this.

Only 4 tickets left for The Author School on November 11th!! And Bea Colley from Southbank just joined the panel which I am so excited about. If you haven’t got a ticket – get one!!

I went to the Graham Norton show! It was so fun. We had priority tickets and made friends with this mother and daughter in the cue but when we got seated we were separated. We were in the middle but then there were all these cameras and the stage was in the left of the room so I was like ah man we’re going to be blocked. So I went down and asked the only black guy I saw as staff and asked how to get to the front.
Man: Oh there is one person in charge of seating but he just went past
Me: Okay let me run toilet and then we’ll find him
After the toilet.
Me: Where’s the man?
Man: Oh he just left. Really sorry I’ll hook you up next time
Me: Next time?!
So I go back to my seat so annoyed and tell my cousin. She has to go toilet next so I said ask the man if that seating guy is around and result!! We got moved right to the front and we got our mother/daughter friends moved too!!!!! Plus the guests was Emilia Clarke, Jason Momoa, Regina King, Camilla Cabello – hello is this not made for me?!!

Last week was half term and I took my teens from church to the Nike X The Movement Factory for Movement Week. It was so so good. It was basically a week of free dance workshops and they did Afrobeats which they loved. Plus we got free tees and bags which was great. They now want to do more dance stuff at church and I honestly don’t know why this always happens to me!! I think they are good enough too but dance can be such a shit show and they are so innocent to it so a part of me wants to keep them away from that. Not sure if I’m being selfish though?

The Fly for Jack show at Stratford Circus was AMAZING!! I didn’t get to go to the meet up in East London when he passed so I was like whatever celebration they do next for him I’m there. It was such  a beautiful show to honour such a talented beast! And at one point Tashan was talking about Jack and all these lights started flashing. Apparently it was a fire alarm and we were told to evacuate but they said it was a false alarm. Hopefully it was Jack making it known he was enjoying the show for him. R.I.P Jack.

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