Photo Recap Good Guy Boris “Paradigm Shift”

When you talk about Street art and Graffiti in today’s world will get a range of reactions from disgust to praise. Do to the emerging Street art festivals around the world we are able to have our art accepted into Galleries and institutions as they embrace the new generation of artists. What you dont usually get to see is the truest nature of graffiti and its underworld that still is thriving. It is this duality that Good Guy Boris captures as he not only documents but actively engages, Paradigm Shift is a participatory documentation of this other reality. Boris is one of today’s leading figures in Graffiti documenting hidden worlds and realities that very few are initiated to witness. There have been many great photographers documenting graffiti on trains in NY and Europe, but Boris offers a contemporary witness to this world engaging it not only as documentation of graffiti but entering its reality as well. Boris enters this world as an active witness who is as liable for these actions as any of the artists painting, this was recently one of the reasons for a recent arrest in Paris.

Paradigm shift offers the viewer of the exhibition a glimpse into the world Boris through his photographs but the real art is in the life the artist has lived to create this body of work. The photographs offer traces of the artists life lived and open the idea of a relational experience to a reality as rare as those that choose to live it. Boris has just begun to engage the gallery space and I am positive this is only a precursor to future exhibition and a talented emerging artist.



The Paradigm Shift is a visual confrontation that engages the viewer to assess how they perceive their own reality, by highlighting their perception of reality from a different vantage point. The exhibition will encourage the viewer to question their perceptions and preconceptions, and how we absorb scenarios through a filter of personal prejudices. The artist takes us on a journey of virtue and vice, illustrating the ambiance and the energy found in one of the most rebellious and popular movements today – Graffiti. These artworks effectively transmit to the viewer the experience, the same divine combination of thrill and delightfulness that Boris discovered while working with some of the world’s most dedicated graffiti writers, the ones that society had previously labelled as vandals and outlaws. Their artworks are accomplished with an unconditional enthusiasm, in places where others would not dare to approach. They create these with no financial gain in mind, only for the sake of the personal ‘eyegasm’; a ceremonious celebration of the ego, to which society only awards a penalty, and time behind bars.

(c) GraffuturismGraffuturism | Graffuturism – Read entire story here.