Phatplastic – The Music – Sneakers – Art Mixtape

First things first…Apologizes to all!

I fell ill last week and really took a turn for the worst on Tuesday night with fever thus I was bed ridden for a few days and didn’t come online until Friday afternoon. I missed Thursday’s post for the week. The first time within the last five years since returning to the blogging in 2010.

Anyhow I am now returning to good health so back to the good music.

Dope mix! I absolutely love these kind of mixes. A sweet collection of funky tunes from different genres all combined into one fabulous mix.

The Music – Sneakers – Art Mixtape
(2013) |131 MB|

Phatplastic - The Music - Sneakers - Art Mixtape

Download/Listen Here


(c) Domeshots & Fat Laces – Read entire story here.