Ovie is going to have girls upon girls on him. Where’s the cue?

The Lion King was EVERYTHING!!!! I swear me and Ebz were acting like we were in a sing along, a talk along, laughing too damn loud. It’s visually such a gorgeous film  and there are a few different lines but it’s still the same movie. I wish Rafiki was more fresh though. He was a bit more turnt in the animation and I wonder why Whoopi Goldberg didn’t do the hyena’s voice. Timon and Pumba are even funnier in this one.
Ebz: Oh my gosh, Timon is you!
(To be fair everything Timon said was defo something I would say)
Me: Does that make you Pumba?
We stayed to the end because you know that Marvel has programmed us to think that there is a bonus part. There isn’t but the soundtrack is live! We were getting side eyes from the stewards but we didn’t care. Hakuna Matata.

This is the look of a woman who’s officially in Leo season. It”s my birthday in 7 days. Let bear month begin 🙂

The Open Pitch Day at Hashtag BLAK was …interesting. First of all there was a million graduations at Southbank so we had to go to the members area. Then there were no seats, so we were in a random corner, sweating and tweeting like mad so people would know where we were. Then Twitter wasn’t even telling me about any DM’s so missed people messaging me. How annoying! Thankfully we saw a free table right in the middle and grabbed it. I don’t know why we didn’t think to have any form of sign saying Hashtag BLAK. Thankfully every author that walked by looking confused or lost was for us. In the end it was good and we did talk to some great people with books that sound good so fingers crossed. We probably will do another one again, maybe in the evening this time.

We have a summer sale on! Hurray! Head on over to The Author School, Hashtag Press and ink! for some discounts for the whole of August! You’re welcome writers!

Love Island is over! First time watching it and I am obsessed. So glad for Amber. She so deserved it. Everyone is cussing India for coming in late and potentially winning with Ovie but Greg I’m sure came in at the same time and won! Ovie is going to have girls upon girls on him. Where’s the cue?

What I love the most about what I do is when, without realising it, I inspire someone. Let’s keep it real I don’t think I’m inspiring so it’s always so surprising when someone thinks I am. I had the NICEST tweet sent to me with a blog link attached by a writer called Tenelle and it was called 5 People in Publishing who inspire me and one of them was me!!! It actually made me cry. I was just like wow! I can’t believe someone thinks of me like this.  Just reminds me that you never know who’s watching you!

My next book Emily Knight book 3 is out in 2020!! If you’re not up to date with the series, I honestly don’t know what to say 🙂  Purchase a copy via Amazon or via my website and then you get free merchandise.

Follow me on the Gram @abiolabello and Twitter @emilyknightiam

The Birthday Giveaway starts August 1st! Make sure to enter x

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