One Billion BEEN Rising!

obbr_600.jpgONE IN THREE WOMEN WILL BE RAPED OR BEATEN IN HER LIFETIME. Today, the day known as V-Day, all around the globe women are rising and dancing for justice with the One Billion Rising campaign. Importantly, though, many critiques have been voiced about OBR and the words of it’s founder, Eve Ensler. In a beautifully written open letter acknowledging the critiques of Lauren Chief Elk and Andrea Smith among others, the activists organizing the Pittsburgh event explain: “We are changing the name of our action to “One Billion Been Rising” to recognize whose shoulders we stand upon; our ancestors and the many people who have been, working in a multitude of ways to end gender based violence, (as in before Eve and White Feminism). We see the visibility and international recognition of the OBR movement as an extension of the privilege Eve Ensler holds as the face of the V-Day campaign. We carry the legacy of the many voices heard/unheard, dismissed and omitted that have served to articulate the experiences of violence that trans/women of color face in this world.”MARCH! DANCE! RISE!

(c) Justseeds: Blog – Read entire story here.