Meet Steve aka Silverback. The man behind Silverback Bboy Events.

Lots of bboys/bgirls across the world ask us, who is this guy putting all this money into the events? What does he want? Is he trying to buy the breaking community? Why does they care? Just about every question has a what and why.

Well everyone, here he is. Meet Steve, aka Bboy Silverback, the man behind the concept of Silverback Bboy Events and key supporter of UDEF Urban Dance & Educational Foundation.

Steve aka Silverback demo clip:

Steve or Silverback as some call him, is not all these things many put him out or imagine him to be. His first introduction into our community was in the 80’s while in N.Y. He found genuine interest in the dance and soon started practicing with many known bboys. Along the way Steve went on to be part of the Wayne Blizz hitting show. If you don’t know Wayne Blizz do your homework.
As the Bboy craze faded out and Steve found himself back in school, life went on as it did for thousands upon thousands that got down back in the 80’s.

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We are not about to sugarcoat it as if Silverback was a pioneer bboy or great talent. What Steve was or we should say IS, is a man with a passion for breakin’. A man that at 56 YEARS OLD STILL PRACTICES REGULARLY! Yes, 56 YEARS OLD. A few years back Steve set out to find bboys to teach his young kids how to break. Soon after that the “break bug” hit and its been non stop ever since.

All in all Steve is one of us…A BBOY.

Find out more about UDEF and Silverback Bboy Events here: UDEF TOUR

BTW: If you’re wondering why his footwork does not look as clean as it should be it’s because Steve has severe knee problems that would make many bboys quit. But not the Silverback Gorilla!

(c) The Bboy Spot – Read entire story here.