Justseeds | New Shirts!

After many years of people asking if I had any shirts of many of my graphics, I’ve finally launched a new shirt store! I’m testing things out on Bonfire, starting with a limited number of designs with very limited color ways. Right now I have 3 designs up, and plan on launching a new one each month. The shirts that are the most popular I’ll keep running in different color variations, while less popular shirts will become limited to their initial 3 week run.

To start I’ve got Fuck Work, Defend Trans Lives, and Red Wedge Beats the Whites. Fuck Work has long been a popular print, and is by far the thing I’ve been asked to put on a shirt most consistently since I designed it about a decade ago. It’s a bold statement, but also a sly piece of design critique. Prints of the design (and the full story behind it) are available HERE.

Defend Trans Lives is a reworking of a graphic I created a couple years ago and never quite figured out what to do with other than circulate online. This one is updated, and works really well on the blue, purple, and grey shirts and sweatshirts. Also, the purple design is available in a bunch of kids sizes!

Red Wedge, like Fuck Work, is a bold statement, but also a sharp reworking of a famous 1919 political poster by Soviet designer El Lissitsky, Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge. I initially designed this in 2017 in response to white supremacist attacks on antiracist protestors in Charlottesville, VA. A zine I made of many variations of wedges slicing and dicing klansman is HERE.

When I started Justseeds back in the late ’90s, a significant amount of what I sold were t-shirts. I likely sold at least 1000 “Free Assata” shirts back in the day. But as the cost of shirts and production went up, and especially the amount of space necessary to store shirts became impossible to maintain, I gave up on them. It’s nice to be trying again!

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