Just A Drunk Guy With A Camera : Prague

I should have done this post a long time ago but keeping up with my drunken habit has driven me far from executing this mission. I’d rather have one, two beers or a fucking bottle of hard liquor in my hands than a camera. This is not an artistic post but more a document of drunk visions while in Prague. Damn, it even took me two trips there to be able to have enough materiel for this post. Good inexpensive beer, 24-hour bars, you don’t see the daylight… We never knew exactly what time it was, really.

First of all, you need to know that Czech Republic is the country with the highest consumption of beer per habitat… That makes around 134 liters of beer per average person in a year. I know that for many of us heavy drinkers that sounds soft but consider: It’s an average. As one of the ex-USSR satellite states, life is way different than in our capitalists countries. Everything is still open for big changes, lots of opportunities and less repression. Drinking, smoking, puking and pissing in public in Prague are a couple of these.

So, I’m just a drunk guy with a camera. Enjoy and expect mookness in its purest form.

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Being in Prague is like getting drawn in an alien vortex… Or getting pussy for the first time.

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This guy probably saw all the communist-era switching to a capitalist race to finally end up selling hand-crafted earrings and bracelets… Les yeux…
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Useful even in death.

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Beer comes with every meal, anytime of the day. Fuck it: If you don’t drink beer, you won’t get your respect… BROXE ALL DAY!

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Speaking of recognition, look at this beautiful scenery. Looks an old renaissance painting… The adoration of barf.

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Insert coins…

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Chilling with the best! Prague: Some party animal’s birth place! ASB-GSM, eses!

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About that vida.

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Zlaty Strom is a very classy night club/hotel with some good entertainment, as you can see…

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… But I guess some people prefer to sleep in public, as they can see tits everywhere so easily in Czech Republic.

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White slavery…

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Puke is also very common in a place where people drink absynth like water… This guy must have ate the famous Vaclavske Namesty Klobasas…

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… But no matter how good the local hot-dogs are, you can’t sleep on Pigy’s Fried Chicken… My man even took some to go in his pockets and ate it in the pub later that night.

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She likes art…

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We spent more time there then in any museum…

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You can ride whatever the fuck you want in Prague… Good eyes can also appreciate a Haeler tag in the background.

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As you can see, the more you chill hardbody the more beer you get as a sign of support of the mookness… Real recognize real!

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Straight daylight illegal graff, we don’t give a fuck…

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Beer garden afternoon. Me gusta la marijuana.

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Mmmm smells like bacong

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Pigeons and bums sharing cigarettes in this magnificent cypher. Just missing a walrus in the background…

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Dva piva, nothing less! Live the legend… P.S. Machete don’t text…

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Ogban the Bulgar represents… This guy would deliver a roundhouse kick to a cop’s face for that BUM burger.

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Props to my man SILVER for repping that hooligan graff-life…

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Visionz of a dead horse…

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Better handstyles than you…

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Sleeping in public game is fabulous in Prague, you can even be part of a league! This guy just chose the face-the-wall position to represent his team…

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Wow… Look at this one right in the middle of the day with the wine boxes all over… RESPECT!

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If you’re not comfortable sleeping in the streets and are scared to end up like in the movie Hostel, I suggest this five-star hotel. Some friends recommended it to me, really good room service and free cigarettes…

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Let’s not forget that there is absolutely no hesitation in rolling and lighting up spliffs in bars and public areas…

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This local art pretty much resumes the trips to Prague. Massive puke vortex in which you can forget why you even exist, except for the function of your liver. Prague is a top destination if you wanna feel like a king in Breweryland. That being said, if you really wanna bring it to another level and wake up disorientated in a surprise spot not knowing what happened nor what’s left in your pockets, please do accept drinks from prostitutes…

I also suggest you to check out the tourist review previously written by my homie Society’s Disease. I can even say that Prague still bares the scars of these vagabonds!

(c) MOOK-LIFE – Read entire story here.