25 thoughts on “Infamy – Graffiti Documentary

  1. 0:57:00 I remember when all the oldheads came out of retirement. it was
    like being in the twilight zone. all these kings from the late 70’s, early
    – mid 80’s started bombing again. guys I looked up to started going all
    city like they never stopped.
    philly graf is historic!!!

  2. I am so in love with Claudia. God what a cool human being. I would marry
    her and have little jewish taggers. Claw I’m jewish, good looking and have
    money. Go out with me.

  3. NM is absolutely right! in philly you cant be a writer unless you had every
    aspect of the game in your arsenal. at least 6 taggin’ styles and the
    ability to do throw ups, pieces, rallies, etc..and you had to be consistent
    at everything!

  4. With all these graffiti docs i noticed theres always that ignorant old fuck
    that thinks they know us they think they everything about us they act like
    they know why we write and they blow it out it up like its a huge deal
    there a drug dealer down my block go chase after him fucking wasting your
    time confiscating my cans and markers im tryna make art and bring peace
    fuck you old ass ppl that think they know what tagging is about

  5. that NYC tagger talks a lot, but obviously he doesn’t have the brains of a
    chicken. Out destroying other people’s property that people have to work
    hard to pay for, tell him to get a damn job and see how it makes him feel
    when some idiot comes along and destroys his property when he’s not
    looking. Taggers are cowards destroying other people’s property when no one
    is looking. Why don’t they do it in front of the owner? Because they know
    they’d get their asses kicked. So your father wasn’t nice to poor you, grow

  6. a good friend of mine was molested as a child and symutainaesly beat in the
    head with a dirty toilet seat and he had dramatic brain trama it was so
    serious that he grew up into a a serial rapist because of the swine flu
    vacene he threw his teenage years he started to took an intrest in graft
    and it enlighten him to stop raping people, one day as he was watching
    infamy for the first time with his brand new girl friend, and as he puts
    the needle in his arm he was interested in colors and art, ya know he start
    drawing in the table n i get mad at him he then raped me and went straight
    to joe coneys house and raped the fuck out of them1!!!!!! <3 shout out to
    jase and enem

  7. nerdy white people and their obsession with graffiti and marijuana and what
    not..common..instead of making things better these guys make others
    criminal..we as people should work towards progress..sending kids to prison
    cuz they slapped a sticker or wrote a tag..common..

  8. saber and jase are weird fucks, enems a sick cunt, claws plane and boring
    and toomers insane.

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