In August 2005, Team Banksy visited The West Bank

Window – By Banksy 2005 in The West Bank

Banksy in The West Bank, Palestine

In the summer of 2005, the street artist known as Banksy and his team made their way to the heart of the West Bank, leaving an indelible mark on the controversial barrier. Here, they crafted nine compelling murals on the imposing walls that many view as symbols of division and confinement, transforming them into canvases that broadcast a potent message to the world.

Banksy likened the towering structure to “the world’s largest open prison,” a sentiment reflecting the profound restrictions faced by the Palestinian people. This powerful comparison was echoed on Banksy’s official website, which also highlighted the United Nations’ stance, deeming the 425-mile-long barrier as a breach of international law.

The journey through Ramallah and the neighboring locales was fraught with tension and peril. Banksy’s representative, Jo Brooks, recounted episodes where the air was pierced by warning shots from Israeli security forces, and situations where firearms were unambiguously aimed at the artist, underlining the gravity and risk entwined with creating art in such fraught circumstances.

More: 6 Photos and Video of Street Art by Banksy in Gaza, Palestine

Balloon Debate – By Banksy 2005 in The West Bank
Escapism – By Banksy 2005 in The West Bank
Boy at Ramallah Checkpoint – By Banksy 2005 in The West Bank
Window 2 – By Banksy 2005 in The West Bank
Stable conditions – By Banksy 2005 in The West Bank
Cut it out – By Banksy 2005 in The West Bank


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