I.Am.Tru.Starr – Eat.Pray.Dilla EP

I.Am.Tru.Starr - Eat.Pray.Dilla EP

I.Am.Tru.Starr is an independent hip-hop artist hailing from Rochester, NY who dropped a crazy EP, “Eat.Pray.Dilla”, back in November of 2014. The EP is the first release from I.Am.Tru.Starr and his One.Nation.Under.Art collective and was inspired by the late, great J. Dilla himself. I gave the project a listen earlier today and was really liking what I heard, which is not surprising since the EP has earned support from Toney Smith, Ma Dukes and The J Dilla foundation. Peep it below and then make sure to send any donations via PayPayl to The J Dilla Foundation at yanceymaureen@yahoo.com.

(c) The Essence of Rap and Hip-Hop – Read entire story here.