Hawt Coco is creating a whole new sound ‘Without Doubt’

By: Anand Harsh

The Gradient Perspective is at the center of a number of festival takeovers, which have been announced, recently. That’s great. The earth is healing. But as excited as its members are getting about the live shows, they’re still hustling new acts to the top of my must-hear list.

TGP is super geeked on Hawt Coco, who is developing what he calls “neuro soul” which is a brand of “instrumental bass music” that takes on neuro bass with actual instruments. What a novel concept.

Today’s premiere, “Without Doubt” brings on the vibes. And no, I’m not some drugged out hippie using that term loosely—I mean actual vibraphones. It’s like Lionel Hampton did some time in Bristol. The jazzy, bass-fueled result is right up the alley of fans who dug the Chalky & Seppa albums, DeeZ, Smigonaut, and Keota. The full EP is out April 30th and you can pre-save it now.


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