Eleven Years of Unkut Dot Com


This week marked the eleventh year of this website/weblog/blog/web page/national treasure/institution/boom-bap graveyard. As is our want, rather than celebrate the achievements that Unkut Dot Com and the mighty Conservative Rap Coalition have achieved, I’d like to focus on pouring out a little liquor for all the great things that are no longer with us:

Blog Comment Sections: Once a place of hilarity and hurt feelings, the rise of social media outlets means that it’s easier to just post a comment elsewhere. Thus we can longer enjoy T-Ray and Mike Heron threatening to stab each other in the heart, Dante Ross getting grumpy because somebody liked the second L.O.N.S. album or Just Blaze defending himself from accusations of beat biting.

TMZ Rap Blogs: There was a time when there were a selection of places to read interesting stuff about rap, both old and new. Now it’s difficult to tell all these ‘hip-hop’ gossip sites from one another as everyone just puts up the same shit that I don’t want to listen to anyway.

Bootlegs: Great to see that Martorialist, hotbox and DJ Step One are still reppping that Zippyshare life with themed mp3 compilations like it was still 2007.

Less and Less New Rap Doesn’t Suck: With many previous CRC mainstays dropping off in quality in recent years, the search for new rappers that meet our strict standards is proving to be increasingly unrewarding, especially when said quality rapper dudes don’t always have the best taste in beats.

People Still Take Jay-Z Seriously: This guy would sell his grandmother to the glue factory if it would improve his stock options at this point. I’m still waiting for the day that he gets stuck in an elevator with The Jaz and catches a speed knot just on general principle.

Nobody Has Gotten Wise To The Tricks of the Hipster Music Mafia: Some of you dummies will fall for any old shit.

Kendrick Lamar Is Still Rapping With Silly Voices: If this guy is so great, why can’t he make songs where he raps with a normal voice? Is that not ‘emotive’ enough for these touchy-feely types?

The NWA Movie Looks Suspect: No sign of original member Arabian Prince, plus MC Ren looks like he gets 0.5 seconds of screen time and Jerry Heller isn’t featured drinking the blood of small children in the trailer.

I Still Haven’t Interviewed Godfather Don: Let Unkut Down.

J. Cole Is Still Releasing Music: Despite the fact that no one should be allowed to drive or operate heavy machinery within earshot of his music.

Rap Genius became Genius instead of Dummy: If you need rap songs explained to you in that much detail, maybe your pop’s should have let you off on the mattress, as O’Shea so eloquently put it.

Past The Margin: A Decade of Unkut Interviews Isn’t Out Yet: This will be released in 2015 if it kills me. My 30 favorite interviews with exclusive follow-ups and unreleased material.

Alright, enough bullshitting. Shout-out to everyone who’s stuck with us this far…

(c) unkut.com – A Tribute To Ignorance (Remix) – Read entire story here.