Duffrey nods his head in ‘Hyphadillaty’

By: Anand Harsh

Woody Klann? I’m a Woody stan!

Duffrey has been enjoying a period of steady growth thanks to his involvement with the high-energy Ultrasloth trio with Biolumigen and kLL sMTH, but he’s refocusing on his solo project with a tightly-wound EP, Return to Source, out next week on The Rust.

While the hip young kids have discovered this incredible new sound called “drum & bass,” and the Sloth’s halftime really does hit, Duffrey is going back to his glitch-hop roots with a slightly more hip-hop bent and even higher production quality. Klann has sanded down the edges and returned to the sound that first made him a household name amongst underground bass producers and really cool and good looking people.

Today I want you do dive waist deep into “Hyphadillaty,” which most clearly demonstrates his hip-hop strategy. Yeah, it’s got a halftime feel, but it still evokes that early Duffrey glitch feel that made a fan way back when. This puppy’s out July 6.

Pre-save it now: smarturl.it/returntosource

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