25 thoughts on “Djing Session – Progressive / Electro House – Practice Session

  1. Honestly the best genre to learn to dj with is drum and bass…its how i
    learned to dj and because of its pacing and beat style it sets you up for
    alot of underground genres and once your brain is trained to deal with more
    complex style of beats all this kinda music gets almost too easy and never
    feels like a challenge. But then you get caught in a cycle of only mixing
    underground music to the point that u start mixing music no one wants to

  2. I love when djs arent actually doing anything but just pretend to be doing
    something. LOL. The whole aspect of being a dj is just knowing what the
    audience doesnt i guess for the majority of people they just dont
    understand what everything on a mixer does. God dam flangers ruin the songs
    so much lol i mean its a pretty decent set but its all the same genre and
    such a simple genre at that try blending different genres or try to do cuts
    in and out of genres try even changing your bass notes every 4-8 bars to
    really get into the mix of things. Because just knowing alot of the songs
    that were played in the set all i see u doing playing a song over another
    one and not alot of looping yet your hands are still moving when u really
    arent doing anything and just waiting for a place to drop the next song. 

  3. god i cant wait till i start makeing some real money so i can do what i now
    love is djing but shits expensive

  4. Want to learn how to Dj but i dont even know half the knobs are for except
    the faders, volume, loop buttons, tempo sync, pitch and playback controls.

  5. Hey man, your videos have helped me a lot.. wondering if you’d give me your
    opinion of this mix I made? Thanks! soundcloud .

  6. I can’t even tell where your mic is plugged in. I see that it isn’t in the
    mic plug on the top of the mixer.

  7. @hazeion Thanks for leaving it up.. reassuring to see a dj I have learned a
    lot from mess up once in a while too :p

  8. Dude, you have the best DJ vids and tutorials. Your explanations and
    answers are spot on. Thank you. Glad to subscribe !!!

  9. Wow this was actually fun to watch and listen to which is rare for a lot of
    mix vids. i love it. thumbs up.

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