If you’re currently searching for help writing a dissertation proposal, it’s probably because a certain important interview is coming soon – your dissertation proposal defense. This piece of academic writing can be very burdensome, requiring a lot of time and effort. You can’t afford to do it half-heartedly or hastily, because it alone determines whether or not you will have a chance to proceed with your disseration research. This work has one aim – to convince your examiners that the topic you plan to research is significant enough to warrant a significant investment of time and money from your university. Such a demanding task requires a certain set of skills and expertise. We understand completely if you find it a bit daunting to take on all by yourself. Here at PhDify, we have a great team of professionals that can assist any overburdened student with reducing their workload.

It’s important to take your dissertation proposal seriously as it’s your best opportunity to impress the board as well as make an investment in your future academic life. Luckily, throughout this process, you won’t be alone. A scientific supervisor will be appointed to you to provide necessary guidance. This person will help you work out the relevant topic, explain why your work is meaningful, how to conduct research, and how to gather and analyze information. If you feel the need to consult a sample dissertation proposal, you can scan through our website – there are a lot of them.

While honing in on the most suitable topic for your work, it’s wise not to stay too broad or vague. Of course, it has to be meaningful but at the same time concise – it should be researched within a reasonable time limit. Take some time to come up with a meaningful and convincing title. Your examiners should be able to grasp the matter of investigation from the title alone. It has to be clear, laconic and precise. When you start writing, keep in mind these several crucial issues that should be brought up in your paper:

· Clear explanation of the chosen subject.

· Hypothesis and theories you want to prove or problems you intend to confront.

· Reliable primary and secondary sources used in your research.

· In what way you will conduct your investigation and how the necessary information will be collected.

· Those likely solutions, results, and findings that may arise from your analysis.

As for the structural or formatting requirements, they may vary by a discipline, department or university. The general word limit for thesis or PhD dissertation proposals range from 500 to 1000 words, but some exceptions may be made. Your university will provide you with the exact requirements for writing your dissertation proposal.

Dissertation Proposal Outline and its Particularities – Guide for Custom Dissertation Proposal Writing Service

To deliver a proper paper, you should follow an outline according to which all aspects of your work should be structured. These several sections your work should include:

· Section 1. The introductory part of a dissertation and the background for your studies. This part aims to provide a detailed statement of your topic plus justifications of its meaningfulness and importance. This passage of your dissertation proposal outline should communicate your objectives – whether you aim to discover something new, prove an existing theory, analyze theoretical findings, or check them in practice.

· Section 2. It’s important to explain the methods of your inquiry. The methodology has to be chosen taking into consideration the results you seek, sources to use, and the type of information to gather. You have two possible techniques to select from – quantitative or qualitative. The majority of humanities research is conducted using the qualitative method. It seeks to examine relationships between various issues in the field, their context, implications, and qualities. It is used to develop a theory. The quantitative approach deals with measuring numerical information, and it is usually used to verify numerical results. It’s not advisable to mix these two approaches as a qualitative dissertation proposal outline differs greatly from a quantitative one.

· Section 3. Compose a list of publications on which your theoretical part is going to be based. A literature review in the dissertation is one of the essential components of this paper concerning the study of the existing publications and previous studies. It provides proof that you have researched all published materials concerning your topic thoroughly and are able to make your own judgments.

· Section 4. This passage deals with the likely outcomes of your investigation.

· Section 5. It includes all additional details needed for an academic paper – dissertation conclusions, limitations, evaluations, and annotated bibliography.


Not sure where to find trustworthy dissertation proposal help? If you believe that your issue is of extreme significance but feel that your are missing some expertise to make a perfect text, you will definitely benefit from our professional dissertation proposal writing help. Our experts will lend you a helping hand and clarify how to transfer your thoughts to paper and create a masterpiece. Our well-experienced writers will advise you how to create a logical, coherent, impeccably structured, and convincing work. If you need help during your dissertation proposal writing process, PhDify.com has a lot to offer!

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