#derphouse is the hashtag for you and me.

#derphouse is the hashtag for you and me.

Ever craved a hashtag that uprooted your deepest emotion regarding EDM strugglers? Neither have we – but courtesy of Chicago dance legend Derrick Carter we now have #derphouse, the hashtag antithesis of everything that’s derpy about music today.

As if public psalms from the bible of derp – the #derphouse revolution has got us thinking about the serious integration of derpy moves from those in and outside the industry alike. Targeting some of the most infuriating attitudes and actions from the scene – it’s hard to disagree that we have a disproportionate amount of derp in the electronic community.

Deemed by many as a tag which carries condescension and arrogance in spades – we here at Stoney are relatively keen on the tags. Sometimes derp when derp is due right? Here are some of our favourites;

— Derrick L. Carter (@blucu) March 2, 2015

— Derrick L. Carter (@blucu) March 3, 2015

Naturally, it was all in self deprecating fun.

— Derrick L. Carter (@blucu) March 4, 2015
We were going to go and look for some other ‘best of twitter’ #derphouse mentions, but all you really need is Tensnake’s response. Derp mischief managed.

Also  – it’s probably worth mentioning some of Derrick Carters latest work. Have a listen and grab his ‘A Brave New World’ mixtape below. Heavyweight status maintained and not a derp in sight.

Follow Izzy on Twitter @Izzy_Combs

[via Dancing Astronaut]

(c) Stoney Roads – Read entire story here.