Well Mooks, after many moons on an extended walkabout your Brudder is back, with a head full of knowledge and lungs full of resin from across the Turtle’s back & beyond. In the last year, I have been fortunate enough to travel non-stop and have seen firsthand the explosion of a new weed subculture: BHO AKA Dabs. To the laymen, BHO is basically the cleanest hash that has ever been produced, a true science that is changing the game for medical use as well as the stoner’s age-old search for the greatest high.


The interwebs AKA Wikipedia defines BHO as the following:

  1. Hash oil (also known as hashish oil, BHO, wax, sativa bho, shatter, crumble, indica bho, honey oil, dabs, or budder) is a form of cannabis. It is a resinous matrix of cannabinoids obtained from the Cannabis plant by solvent extraction, formed into a hardened or viscous mass.


The science is crazy behind it and if you think you are a mad scientist and are just going to make this in your bedroom, be prepared to possibly poison yourself with ‘tane soup ( butane soup aka unproperly purged BHO) or, even worse, blow the doors off your crib, literally, not to mention your face while you’re at it. To get down to it, I’ve enlisted the knowledge of one of the Kushman brothers (of Kushman Brothers Genetics) a pair of Brudders from Montreal specializing in ergonomics, who deal in elite strains of flowers and extractions. The following was a short conversation I had with one of Canada’s Dons of Dank.

makingDabs02so how is consuming bho different than smoking marijuanna?

Kushman : Well, obviously it’s a lot cleaner in the fact that smoking marijuana, you’re combusting plant material but with BHO you’re smoking the pure form of THC ,CBD and cannabinoids.

And not even smoking…

K: Yep Yep!

makingDabs17Vaporizing usually right?             

K: You can vaporize it so that you don’t even need to combust it with a flame, you’re basically bringing it to the ideal temperature, where the cannabinoids and THC are vaporized into the air, definitely more healthy.


What about eating it?

K: Also, eating it is a lot more readily available to the body. More pure form, so the body can more readily uptake it.

what are the health benefits of consuming BHO? I have heard about a case out east where using BHO reducted the amount of chemo needed, people using the oil to treat rashes and sores, tumors shrinking?

K: Honestly, I’m going to go ahead and stop you right there. I’ll just say that there are too many health benefits. Let alone that, there are too many social and economical benefits to producing BHO.

So BHO is a concentrate. How many flowers are in a gram and how much would you usually consume?

K: Well, to give you a ballpark idea it is usually five to seven grams of dried marijuana to make one gram of BHO, so basically it is a 14 to 20{ed1b542e18a3fdb29a343f0bf5604cce6e71819c6df381e846b4d07cb9d1dc18} return on what initially is put in. Obviously, it’s dependent on the material that you are starting with (quality).


This is a science… So what happens when people try to make it at home?

K: Well, the effect of improper technique or method of production is obviously explosion, which can cause death. We’re working with volatile micro-carbons, which are very explosive and combustible. You don’t just want anybody to play with that, you need a minimum of experience “playing” with these. I like to use the term “playing” very lightly because it shouldn’t be taken as a game at all. You can die, it’s extremely dangerous.

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So you see these mooks on the Internet with their homemade vacuum ovens on a skillet with a shop vac, what’s the obvious thing to tell these people besides don’t do it?

K: Use your brains. Look on Google how many people per month explode and lose their homes, or lose limbs, or die. Think. Weigh the pros and cons. I mean, do you really want to die making this, just to try it at home ?


Since last October I’ve personally seen an explosion in the dab culture, from tiny places in the States to becoming now a huge subculture in the United States all over, not just in obvious areas like Colorado or California. And in Canada, with Vancouver I’ve noticed it is very progressive, especially within the dab culture. I’m sure they’ve been doing it for a long time, with their approach. What’s your take on the East Coast dab culture, I guess in particular Quebec, Montreal.

K: the dab culture here in Montreal is just starting to flourish. There’s a lot to be learned here and a lot has to be brought into this culture. The more new information that we can bring in here and teach people, the better that our community is gonna learn and be more complete, as a whole.


Is this the final frontier for weed ?

K: I’d have to say this is the future of marijuana as we know it. This is the future of medication and “getting high” recreationally.


Any final thoughts ? Anything you just want people to know, not necessarily you personally, but just your opinion on it or whatever…

K: Absolutely. The best thing that I can tell anybody for anything concerning BHO, whether it being as a community, recreationally or medicinally: Don’t be afraid to ask questions and please, learn about it, because that is the most important step right now… Forwarding the information to as many people as possible and making the community aware of this wonderful alternative to using only flowers or edibles. BHO is the future.

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So there you have it my Mooks, just a short summary of the science behind one of the biggest advancements in getting ya mind right. The subculture of this new era delves deeper than into the science of getting high. Stay tuned as we dig into the hype of how to get there. Vape Pens and Riggs to E-nails and the super-pompous Sublimator are just a few subjects to touch on next. Welcome to 2015, a new frontier.

(c) MOOK-LIFE – Read entire story here.