25 thoughts on “Beginners Guide to DJing – Learn the Basics of How to DJ Online – Intro Lesson

  1. if you cant shut the fuck up, grow the fuck up, and get your head in the
    mindset of LEARNING, you will never become a dj, and if you do you wont be
    worth SHIT.
    This man is pausing when he speaks because he is articulating through his
    english accent so you dumbfucks can understand him and learn something! if
    he kept talking continuously, you noobs would be bitching that you cant
    understand him.
    if you dont see the need to learn your history, you will never make history.
    real recognizes real, fake makes excuses and cant get over hangups.
    you bitches better recognize!

  2. I am a DJ. After countless hours of research I finally found the #1 program
    for music production ever created. go to my channel and find the link I
    have posted for this program

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