
Stop Pipeline L61: Wisconsin’s Death Trip

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Wisconsin is in pretty rough shape right now, Gov. Scott Walker with the Koch Brothers backing him is cutting essential funding across the state, pushing privatization of everything possible, and the Republicans are fast tracking a right-to-work bill this week. In addition to all of that fun, on the down low there is a massive environmental disaster ramping up across the state. Pipeline L61 owned by Enbridge Energy already exists, and is getting upgrades that will up its pumping capacity from 560,000 to 1.2 million barrels of crude oil daily, that’s 1/3 more than Keystone XL would. Only a Dane County (Madison area) zoning committee …


Best of 2014

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Continuing with some of our “Best of” lists, we have a list from Josh, and surprise, surprise… its a book list! So from Josh MacPhee: 10 Best Crime Novels I Read in 2014: 10 Best Crime Novels I Read in 2014: The Mongolian Conspiracy by Rafael Bernal (New Directions, 2013) A new translation of a great Mexican noir novel, with a classic protaganist gunslinger who “tries not to think” but can’t help himself. Exterminating Angels by Peter Dunant (Pluto Press, 1986) A media-savvy left-wing terror cell goes after corrupt corporate wrong-doers. What more do you want? Cockfighter by Charles Willeford (Virgin Crime, 2005) Wow. Not exactly a crime novel per se, but an amazing tunnel into the mind and emotions of a Southern cockfighter in the 50s with…


Best of 2014 Sounds of the Week part 4

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Welcome back to Sounds of the Week!, the musical musings of members of the Justseeds artist cooperative. For this installment I asked fellow seeders for the sounds that inspired them in 2014, not necessarily things that were released in 2014 but sounds that caught their attention or were the soundtrack to their work. Here’s the last Best of 2014 list, this time from Mary Tremonte! 1. New Fries My favorite band in Toronto right now! This no wave-influenced power trio mix jagged discordant beats with yelping vocals from Anni Spadafora, who is also one of my favorite visual artists in town. Bits of Lydia Lunch/DNA, the Raincoats, the Slits, Bush Tetras, loud and bossy and weirdly danceable! Catch them live if you can, and hopefully they’ll repress their…