
Rockwell Kent Gallery, Plattsburgh, NY

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Rockwell Kent has been a big influence on more than a few of us here at Justseeds. He was a prolific draftsman whose illustrations dominated book design and advertising in the first half of the 20th century (see Josh’s posts about this, here). He was also a master printer, a socialist, an explorer, a raconteur, a cad, and (by my aunt’s account) a bit of an egomaniac. In the 1920s, Kent bought land in the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York and built a farm and a studio there. My family is from this area, and I am from nearby Plattsburgh, where Kent was something of a local celebrity and personality. Consequently, I grew up looking at his art without knowing…


Shahn and Bryson Post Office Murals, The Bronx

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Last summer I was in lower Manhattan and had 6 hours to kill before a meeting Washington Heights. l took the opportunity to visit the Ben Shahn and Bernarda Bryson murals painted in 1938 at the Bronx Post Office. As part of the New Deal in the 1930s the Works Project Administration commissioned artists across the country to paint murals in public spaces, especially in post offices. Shahn stated that this particular mural was to show aspects of the rest of the country to New Yorkers. They depict working people, cotton pickers, welders, and weavers, amongst others. The mural is centered around an image of Walt Whitman pointing to one of his own poems on …


Pittsburgh, PA, November 2014

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Wheat paste found in Pittsburgh, PA, picture taken last November. For context, these appeared on the streets after this: Media coverage on the brutal assault and murder of 16 year old Teaira Whitehead emphasized that she was previously “known to law enforcement”. Note that another WTAE report on a murder committed on the street where I live, of a young white man, emphasized that he was a devoted young father and only notes in the last bit that he had a history of drug charges.