
Hooligan Holidays – New Orleans

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Well… How can I start this other than saying that four of your favorites Mooks: NESAR AKA The Baby Face Bandit, SOME AKA The Party Animal, myself, KILLA-EF AKA Holiday Season and last but not least PITO AKA God’s Gift, went on vacation. The city selected to receive our misconduct was no other than NOLA: New Orleans, Louisiana. Down South, USA. Time for sum action. Understand that the selected four are some of the most notorious and unstoppable mooks coming straight outta Montreal. Were some of the heaviest drinkers in or city, too. It’s no coincidence that we all teamed up to do this trip. I would like to name ourselves The …


REAL GRAFF: The Montreal Font Division

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Peace world! Today, we only gonna focus on one specific department in graffiti: Fonts. That’s it. Straight up fonts, you know? Block letters, well-proportioned rollers, scripts, logo replicas, etc… Whatever the fuck you wanna call it! Montreal’s hardest hitters bring lots of madness to our cold streets. The font distribution comes in outstanding numbers. Various bangers from many different writers can be found all-city, from the highway’s most notorious spots to downtown’s hottest rooftops . On the strength, our city got some of the richest and most vibrant quality of graffiti on the whole American continent. I ain’t even exaggerating when I’m saying this. Fonts is …