How a 96-Year-Old Artist’s Colorful Paintings Saved a Village in Taiwan

Rainbow Family Village (彩虹眷村) – In Taichung, Taiwan

In Taiwan, a 96-year-old artist transformed his village with colorful street art, attracting so many tourists that the mayor decided to preserve it. His vibrant paintings turned the village into a beloved local attraction.

Photos by Steven R. Barringer.

Steven R. Barringer about Rainbow Family Village: “A beautiful and colorful small village in Taichung, Taiwan where almost everything in site is painted joyful colors. A sense of wonder and peacefulness is felt as you wander the tiny streets of this modest section of the big city. Bright lively colors call out to your inner child as you find what appears to be an endless seam of creative whimsical imagery. A must-see for any one in Taichung.”

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