By: Jonathan Gross

Bass music master PARROTICE out of Atlanta is on the verge of releasing another album on his own 1155 label. It’s an underground bass star-studded affair featuring collabs with Prophet, Oxossi, Lysn., and Ruku (which is already out now).

Today we have the distinct pleasure of premiering his track with Murkury, another bass star from the south, who is slated for the next installation of The Untz Festival. Instead of rocking out a typical 140 tune, these two take their high-oscillating wubs up to 160 BPM, giving their dubstep a little midtempo tinge. “Revolution” is a sonic one, at least.

Here’s what PARROTICE has to say about the album, out February 22:

Everything we do lies in a spectrum
Fleeting moments
Decisions we make
Minor to major
Phases we shift through
Endless distortions of subjectivity
Unclear objective truths
Stemming from an unseen center
There is no right
There is no wrong
There is no good
There is no evil
There is only change
Change through will
Will to relentlessly pursue the balance of darkness and light
Creation vs destruction
And the harmony of the center within

Pre-order THERE IS NO EVIL from 1155

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