5 Photos of Three elderly gentlemen by Matthias Mross in Chanieti, Georgia

Muralist Matthias Mross

By Matthias Mross in Chanieti, Georgia, for Niko Street Art. Photos by Nick Pania.

Discover the whispers of Chanieti, Georgia through Matthias Mross’s poignant street art. Three elderly gentlemen, draped in the patina of time, sit in silent camaraderie against a rustic backdrop. Each wrinkle and gesture captures a lifetime of laughter, loss, and tales untold. A charming yet melancholic mural, this piece is a testament to the beauty of fleeting moments and enduring friendships. Street art aficionados, this is a heart-tugger not to be missed!

More!: 5 Photos and Video of Horse Mural by Matthias Mross in Neunkirchen, Germany

Comment: “When I saw the old run-down concrete block that was cobbled together in the last days of the Soviet Union and apparently not even finished, I was immediately overcome by a certain melancholy. Broken windows, weathered mossy concrete walls. At the end of the building an old-growth weeping willow. The mural itself conveys a similar melancholy, which is underlined by the place again. As a viewer, one wonders inevitably about what the three old friends talk.”


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