“If Harry Potter, X-Men and Dragon Ball Z were rolled into one person it would be Emily Knight.”

It’s almost Christmas!!!!!!!!! I don’t think I’ve been this excited about Christmas since I was a kid. The fact that I can sit down, eat, watch Netflix and all my movies, read books and NOT HAVE TO WORK, I can’t actually wait. 

I met this kid in Tesco and I ended up talking to him and his mum about my book. He asked me to tell him what my book was about and I said, “If Harry Potter, X-Men and Dragon Ball Z were rolled into one person it would be Emily Knight.” He told his mum to buy the book for Xmas! 

I’m praying that 2021 is a better year for everyone and just less dramatic. That presidential campaign got me all kinds of stressed and I don’t even live in the States. But there is a female vice president. The first ever and she’s Black/Indian—I just love that so much.

I think we all need some calm so Lord please bring calmness. A few weeks ago I felt so stressed and was trying so hard to keep it together. Last week was shit as well. Our Christmas book got cancelled because of the hold up at the printers and we were fuming. I don’t think I’ve ever yelled at so many people in the space of an hour before. Thankfully all the press is still secured and we was able to be pushed back to Jan and even though The Sun ran the article, they changed the pub date.  But I feel a lot better and it’s just about to doing that last push to finish the year on a  good note. 

The Diverse Book Awards starts next month and I’m so excited! I still can’t get over how well year one did. We had so many people contact us to get involved this year with judging, blogging and being a sponsor. I’m hoping to read so many books in the next few weeks before the awards start in mid-Jan. This is a fraction of my to read pile!

Walker Books sent me a proof of Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas. Yesssssssssss!!!!!

Thank you to Shout Magazine for including Emily Knight I am…Becoming in your Book Club. The visuals are so cute! Can you believe that I’ve almost finished writing book 5?! Mad innit? I don’t even recognise myself.

I read that Penguin RandomHouse brought Simon & Schuster for 2.2 billion. And they say there’s no money in publishing!

Finally started watching Orange is the New Black. All I knew about the series was it’s set in a prison and there’s one season that’s really shit but so far I’m loving it. 

Adele. That’s all. 

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