| The Strutter’s Room Master Camp’21One Cypher

Lonnie Green aka Poptart is hosting The Strutter’s Room Master Camp 2021 next week! Seven days of events including workshops, film screenings, classes and an after-party to conclude the festivities.

Get your tickets here! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2021-annual-international-strutters-room-master-camp-tickets-154907517555

*If you are unable to join in person, you can also attend virtually through https://howlive.tv/event/struttersroom2021_mon


San Francisco invites you to experience the undocumented inner-city Black dance culture of 1970s Fillmore Strutting.

In a 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey, the iconic pop-star Michael Jackson credits learning his dance moves from”these beautiful children…black kids who live in the ghettos and inner-cities who are brilliant [and] just have that natural talent for dancing.”

The regional dance styles of Boogaloo, Robottin and Struttin from the San Francisco Bay Area that he was referring to have been historically eclipsed by the mainstream media because of their natural cultural ties to the Black Power movement.

Instead, “Hip Hop” became the term universally associated with American street culture through a South Bronx narrative that is now studied in colleges and universities around the world. Far-less understood is the story of failed urban renewal on the West Coast and its unique inner-city experience that would be absorbed by the entertainment industry in the 1980’s.

For an entire week leading up to the SF Juneteenth Parade & Festival, San Francisco street dance icon, cultural ambassador, co-founder of BRS Arts Alliance, CEO of Tart Productions, founder of The Strutter’s Room, international pioneer and A-list Strutter Lonnie “The Fillmore Kid” Green a.k.a. PopTart, hosts The Annual International Strutter’s Room Master Camp for dancers all over the world looking for direct access to this undocumented information.

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