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RATH and his crewmate and partner from back in the days EMYT grouped up to paint some nice silvers, have a look at the footage after the jump!

I started the UPS crew in 1993, originally there were three members; Rath , Juan and Emyt. In early 95 Emyt enlisted in the army and has been on active duty ever since. He and I managed to get a quick wall in in 2005 ten years later when he was stationed in Hawaii. He came to visit last fall and the day before were going to do a wall i got into a car accident and fucked my hand up to the point of not being able to paint. So i got the last minute heads up friday morning, Emyt, now writing victor, was in his car on the way to New york from Atl. A short 18 hours later he was at my house and we were planning a wall for the next day as he nodded off. With the hopes of getting another wall in we decided to do some quick silvers and just have fun. Mission accomplished. We dropped some nice stylish silvers and were home for dinner. Victor is slated to redeploy to Afghanistan soon so being able to get some walls in and relax before constant vigilanceis required.

(c) MYMOLOTOW – Read entire story here.