Rad Post-Teen Print of the Week: Palm Oil


Hello there buddies!

After a long hiatus, I am reviving my Rad Teen Print of the Week series as Rad Post-Teen Print of the Week, to share the amazing work from university students and other post-teens that I’ve been working with here in Toronto. I first forayed into this zone a few years ago with Lauren Jurysta’s Free Pussy Riot silkscreen, HERE
This first print comes from Tetyana Herych, a four-color risograph print on the subject of palm oil and its impacts on orang-utans and other members of rainforest ecology. Doritos being a popular snack that uses extensive amounts of palm oil, Tetyana remixed the packaging to remind consumers of this impact.


Here it is on the wheat paste wall in the Printmaking and Publications hallway of OCAD University, where I work, in context with other student work. Stay tuned for more rad post-teen print work!!


(c) Justseeds: Blog – Read entire story here.