Ultimate All City Chilleur Travel Guide

Over the years our team has broxed all over the globe and however fucked up or insane things have gotten during our travels, we’ve shared our experiences and photos with you in our posts in the All City Chilleur section. We’ve gone so far and so hard that these posts account for about half of the content on this site. Travel is a true addiction – more so than pussy or drugs and the best part is you don’t end up with herp or in rehab as a result. Well sometimes maybe. But all in all exploring the world is good for your soul.  Every trip I’ve taken has been a truly moving kind of learning experience that adds to my personal growth and identity capital. I see it as a form self investment. The more I travel and connect with different cultures and new kinds of people the richer I become as a human being. Traveling can also be costly and dangerous if not approached wisely. Knowledge is best gained from experience so I’m putting this out there to save you some future headaches. We made the mistakes so that you don’t have to. Here is the official Ultimate All City Chilleur travel guide for mooks…



Travel unfortunately requires that you strap your ass into some poorly upholstered airplane seat that has been deeply marinated in countless other people’s anxiety farts while costing you a small fortune. This key component is usually the most costly expense from the trip and the hardest to obtain for free or discounted. Here are some things you can do that might save you from this financial pitfall:

  • Work for an airline company
  • Date someone that works at an airline company
  • Get a job that allows you to work while traveling
  • Become a DJ
  • Become a professional athlete
  • Have rich parents
  • Save up and buy tickets on sale way in advance on sites like Yulaire



It’s normal to be anxious over the idea of being far from home and having to blast through the sky in a metal tube which could crash and kill you to get there. This is why they invented all sorts of fun pills and airport bars! Get primed but not too drunk because they might not let you board. Feel free to abuse the bar service once you’re on the flight and always make sure you give yourself a little time in your itinerary to be hungover and adjust to new time zones. RESPECT!



Forget about “back home”. Traveling is all about experiencing NEW things. Trying to do everything like “back home” defeats the point and is quite fucking stupid. My advice is to trust the local ways of the people even if it’s “different” because when you’re not home, it’s you who’s different, not them. So if this means you gotta travel on a camel and drink out of a goat skin water bag than do it and don’t be a little bitch about it.



Every part of the world has it’s norms and regulations and it’s important to educate yourself on these matters before getting caught up in something you might deeply regret. In some countries getting pinched with illegal substances is no joke and you might end up dying lonely in a cell in a remote region of Cao Bang if you are not careful. It’s up to you to make the call and determine if the small risk of potentially life changing problems is worth it. Put it this way, if you are not comfortable with the situation, you should probably not do it. In most countries however, doing drugs and smoking weed is not a big deal. If you have a consenting address, your best bet is to simply send yourself whatever you need as long as it’s well packed an in reasonable amounts. This has worked for me everytime. Just make sure all the info other than destination address is bogus and that you conceal your substances both in terms of smell and appearance.


Thanks, Jason Waterfalls and Trevor Corey! You guys always send me exactly what I want.


Don’t make “connections” make friends. When you travel to be with people who are genuinely stoked to see you, chances are they already have you all taken care of by the time you get to their crib. My whole approach to traveling is based on going to see people in different places rather than places with different people. This way most of these typical travel issues are never really an issue for me.


If all else fails, chill at the nearest corner store and play the odds. Most often than not, you’ll be successful.



Obviously it’s nice to be able to wake up and do Karate in the water before brunch but most mooks can’t afford that type of living when traveling. Tbh we’d rather allocate more of the budget to essentials like food, drugs, sex workers and alcohol. Here’s how you can make it work.


Start doing graffiti. I’m dead serious, get good at graff and people will let you sleep on their couch, it’s part of the culture. The couch might not be in top shape and you might cop a few bedbug bites but it’s better than having to pay for a hotel. You might be woken up in the middle of the night by other writers who were bombing in the area and dropped by to say what’s up. It’s all in good fun though. If that’s not your thing you can save up a little cash and get yourself a spot on AIRBNB. I’ve stayed in really nice rooms for like 30$ a night. I once BNB’d on a ranch in Austin and had this chill as fuck woman cooking me breakfast burritos driving me around town with her hot ass daughter. Good times.


If all else fails, there’s always this option…



In some place you can virtually drink ANYWHERE. In other places you might do a bit of jail time. Here are some things you can do to avoid problems.

  • Be white
  • Own a Canadian passport
  • Have bribe money just in case
  • If stopped by the authorities, try avoiding to speak the same language as them and play dumb
  • Tell the authorities that you were not aware of the fact that it’s not permitted because it’s permitted everywhere else in the world
  • Chug the bottle as fast as possible because they can’t charge you without proof


You can also consult Killa Ef (hourly rate may apply). Looking at this International Alcoholic post, it’s seems that he has mastered the skill of public drinking.



Don’t be a shy sissy. Get close to the people. Talk to them, shake their hand, give them a hug and listen to what they gotta say. Some of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had while traveling were with random people I met on the street.


Ask yourself, what did you come here for? To chill with other bearded hipsters that look just like you, eat like you, dress like you, have the same tattoos as you, talk like you and do everything like you or did you leave your comfort zone and travel hundreds of miles to do something totally different with people you would normally never be able to connect with? Why didn’t you just stay in the mile end?

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Getting down with people on that fundamental human level without all that bullshit attached is what makes these connections so valuable. The exchange of cultural differences using common human emotions we all have in common. Don’t be scared to get close, ain’t nobody wants to rape you anyway. That’s just your bloated ego that was forcefully fed to you by your over protective mom all throughout your childhood.



One of the marvels of technology is the ability to instantly communicate with others across the globe. We are no longer bound by our physical limitations when it comes to meeting new people. I’ve made tons of friends online over the years and have yet to fall on someone who I would say came off different or more lame once I met them in person. Make friends online, don’t be scared. It’s the future of traveling it’s the future of everything.



Traveling squad deep can be fucking amazing as much as it can be a disaster. Normal people can do this all day but a large group of mooks out of town in a BROXE tornado is a recipe for les yeux. Just make sure you don’t get too deep or take any responsibility for anything that happens so that you can enjoy all the fun without being stressed. Don’t put your name on anything and don’t use your credit card when booking the hotels. Sucks for those who organize the whole thing but it’s a price to pay for a large scale foreign BROXE.



Traveling with kids is an amazing experience when the kids are not yours. I’m sure when it’s your kids it’s much less fun and a lot more difficult and expensive but that much more rewarding at the same time. Much respect to all the mooks who take their kids traveling on the regular. It’s a beautiful thing.



Here is a fool proof step by step guaranteed method to get girls when you’re out of town.

1-You find a girl that looks distressed, preferably intoxicated and you simply stick a Mook Life sticker on her then wait for it to cast it’s magic.


2- Sit back and chill because your work is basically done. She will automatically be down to come chill for the rest of the night.


3- She’s fully down to chill, now all you need to do is be a decent human being for a few minutes to seal the deal. You can get the stickers right here. You’re welcome.



I guess you will have no choice but to be a fucking tourist in that case. Ain’t nothing wrong with that either. Since when are we too cool for lookouts, rooftops and belvederes?

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Getting lost is fun. I mean you gotta be a real fucking idiot to get completely lost, especially in a city. You get momentarily lost and it’s fine, no need to panic because this opens up a whole new wold of possibilities one must embrace when traveling. Or you can just be a bitch and turn on your roaming data and eat the shit in the form of a 69$ fee you will incur for using google maps for exactly 12 seconds but who cares.


Got lost in a small town in France and ended up getting fucking stoned in this awesome Gothic cemetery.


France is full of surprises. Got lost in Chateau Versailles and found this crazy porcelain MJ statue holding a monkey. Mind, soul and body, EACH.



As a sign of respect to all the hustlers world wide it is customary to bless the local pigeons with a two tiered birthday cake feast. It’s only right.



Don’t be scared to get out of the inner city and into more pastoral landscapes. For many people this is hard to imagine but once you do it, it will be another addiction within your addiction of traveling. Nothing beats nature, not even the BROXE. I mean just check out this deer ripping a piss – doesn’t it make you feel at one with the universe?


Or you can combine both for an ultimate chilling experience.



If someone asks you to try something, do it. Could be nasty, could also be one of the best things you ever put to your dome.


If someone looks interested in your culture, let them try first hand. These small exchanges can bridge what for some seem to be enormous cultural gaps when in reality, we are all mooks at the core.



Some people travel to paint, others paint while traveling. It all depends on your approach. Each city has it’s tolerance levels for graffiti and it can usually be directly linked to the country’s financial status and how much citizens pay out of pocket for the buff. Rich countries use things like graffiti as political pull to get municipal votes and such, in other places they have bigger problems so graffiti is not even an issue. In certain parts of the Earth you might cop a severe beating and some jail time. In the States people get shot daily just for being the wrong color after 6 o’clock so imagine what they would do if you were also vandalizing? Here are a few tips that will help you avoid fun stoppers:


1- Don’t do graffiti. If you’re that scared of getting caught and ruining your vacation, it’s not worth it. If it was worth it, you would just go ahead and do it. If you’re hesitating and prairie dogging in your boxers while biting your nails with tears in your eyes, graffiti might not be for you.


2- Some places don’t see graffiti as a bad thing because they don’t share our western values of obsessive ownership of everything. It might be clean as shit, because nobody gives a fuck about graffiti rather than people being scared to paint due to harsh punishment. What looks like an act of vandalism to western eyes is a celebrated work of art to the people living in this slum of Dakar. International Hood Pass type of shit, my G.


3- Hire a solid tour guide. Who is better to show you around than the local superstars? Mike charges 250$/hour, which includes paint, caps, gloves, protection and transportation. You can also get the value pack which features a quarter of coke and an eight of weed for an extra 50$.

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4- When taking photos the next day, if someone asks “why are you taking photos of the graffiti?’ you tell them it’s because those guys are really famous artists. They usually leave you alone.

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One of the biggest joys of traveling is trying out all the different flavors. Here are some tips to get the freshest cuts and the best deals.


1- Go straight to the source. If there’s a fisherman’s market near by, check it out. You will get the freshest possible product and a lot cheaper than at the supermarket. You will also see all sorts of mooked out shit while shopping for seafood.


2- Better yet, catch the food yourself.

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3-Study the locals. Eat where they eat and observe what they order when chilling in the lineup.


4- Hit up the local street market. Good people watching, fresh food, lots of exciting smells and colors plus you might come out with a fake Rolex and a pair of never released Jordans.


4- Don’t be scared to cop street food. You are just as likely to get contaminated goods from what seems to be a clean restaurant so get over it and save tons of time and money and get some of this street meat cuz it’s live as fuck. In case of emergency, bring some charcoal pills, they work wonders.


5- Don’t believe the hype. A lot of these fast food chains are gassed up by teenage stains on Tumblr binges.


6- If the place claims to be “the best” and or “world famous” and or “world renowned” you must try it.


7- Stay healthyboyz as much as possible. Not everyone can eat four Philly cheesesteaks like Tron and then walk around after like that ain’t shit. Normal people can easily over do it and then regret when blasting on the porcelain throne for a good 24 hours. Which bring us to the next point…



EF already done explained it in his masterpiece post about public toilets. Basically, this shit can get rough, literally, so be prepared. Read that post and don’t get caught up in a shitty predicament.


In case of total emergency, use money as toilet paper. What is it really worth anyway. It’s just a stupid piece of paper. Also makes for a great visual metaphor which you can use to impress sluts on Tumblr.



Believe it or not, there is such a thing as a chilling overdose. It’s important to take some time to recuperate from the abuse endured during intensive partying. Sometimes skipping a night is a good call. Chill out in the jacuzzi, blow a few backwoods and take it easy. Next day, heavy on the BROXE again. Skiddit.



Parades, fairs, outdoor festivals; these are all places filled with horny sluts and people who are down to BROXE live on the street. If you happen to be around during such events, make sure to check them out.

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Those who don’t have the hood pass are often strongly advised to remain the fuck out of the hood when traveling. Here’s why.


The hood is it’s own world with it’s own rules. If you’re not from this world and you don’t know the rules, you finna get fucked up if you ain’t lucky. Sometimes you’re safer in the slums of Dakar than on certain American soil. To travel to the hood you must know someone there or at least have some sort of valid reason to be there if checked by the locals.


To get a hood pass you must be official. Only official street people are eligible to qualify for one. If you’re not familiar with the language, you won’t be holding that passport. So when you come to the hood uninvited or on some tourist shit, you best have your hood pass or you finna get yapped for your Canon Rebel and new sneakers. For everything else, there’s Visa.



A lot of people in the hood never left the block let alone traveled to other countries. They need a hoodpass just to go to another hood across town. There are actually two different versions of the hood pass; Local and International. One is for inner city hood traveling and the other one is for the foreigners visiting. This hood pass science is real and many people will never get one. Shit, getting a Canadian citizenship was hard enough but not as hard as getting an official hood pass. Won’t ever happen for most people born in Canada.

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You can’t apply for a hood pass like other passports. This official invisible document gets handed when one proves to share certain fundamental values with the rest of the community. Things such as snitching, fighting over females, trying hard, dick riding, name dropping, being soft or being a general fuckboy amongst many other criteria are heavily frowned upon and will automatically disqualify you from getting a hood pass in the future.


We made this limited edition run of crew necks and and t-shirts to celebrate many years of hood pass ownership and All City Chilleur status.




The 2015 International Hood Pass is equipped with biometric fabric like most modern passport. It has the latest German engineered patented technology called HoodScan™ which blocks the design from showing if the person wearing it has not been authenticated and hood certified.


You can cop them from your local gun dealer or send your credentials to the only official authorized internet distributor right here.



To all my international immigrant fly-boys who got well decorated passports from different continents, I see you. We don’t identify with one nation, we identify with all nations. We are wold citizens.


Each life size passport represents one of the six continents that make up our planet. That’s what being an All City Chilleur is all about. Getting down for the funk of it. Regardless of race, status, gender or religion. There are mooks in every single county on Earth, even in North Korea. This is why it’s important to rep humanity as a whole rather than a select few who happen to live on your side of some imaginary lines. Fuck Nationalism, that shit is gay. We all about uniting the planet.


The All City Chilleur saga continues. You can catch all the new fly shit up on our online shop right now along with many “to be announced” items you can cop live. We restocked on Mook Life T-shirts and we also got new and improved heavy-duty Mook Life hoodies for winter. We got tons of new posts + events coming this holiday season so pay your internet bill before you fuck around and miss out on the action. Much love to all the people who support us. Much love to all the hood people with parole violations who can’t leave their country. Shout out to all the people stuck living in places with governments that won’t let them travel. To all the people who never took an airplane or been in a car, you are the most real.


(c) MOOK-LIFE – Read entire story here.