November Recap #YaaAAAaa

Good, you?

Welp, seems like mooks don’t really change much with time… We simply evolve into our intended form. Everything happens for a reason, so if you end up becoming a bum, it’s just the way it was meant to be. Some become famous effortlessly, others die trying. Most people just want to enjoy the ride and hope for the best. I always wonder what future generations think of all this, what kind of shitty legacy are we leaving behind for our future relatives? Artifacts of tabloid magazines, tires and Coca-Cola bottles. I’m talking about 5000 years from now, assuming humans are still on this planet, what will they think of shows like Beavis and Butt-Head? I bet they would actually find it to be quite informative, giving them an accurate depiction of our current society. Yeah, if I could travel to the year 6969 and my future cousins ask me to explain to them how things were like in North America back in the early years of the 21st century, I would tell them to watch EACH episode of Beavis And Butt-Head, every season of The Wire and tell them to peep some posts on Mook Life. Word is bond. That would give them a good idea. This site is basically a point of reference of our time for future generations of mooks to study and observe… This was the month of November, 2013.


We were down with the locals and copped them cheese even when it was not on special. Much respect to one of my oldest friends in Canada.


We celebrated the 19th birthday of a place called Peace Park, which was a symbol of equality and struggle between the city and its people.


We Broxed at a show in Stain-Hyacinthe with a fictional rap group that went platinum and refused to make songs with Drake. No no new…





People paid to get a belting by sex workers in front of a gang of drunken stains…


Jo, d’Acton Vale was in the place to be…


We lived lavishly…


Quebec was a place where marijuana was readily available for reasonably cheap prices. Wasting some of it was never really an issue…


Pigeons secretly ruled the world…


Montreal had a huge construction crime syndicate that had total control over the city.


Researchers have found a way to shrink the volume of nuclear waste by 90 percent but nobody gave a rat’s ass…

The first “mini-kidneys” have been grown from human stem cells and some priest in Denver publicly complained about it, then died of kidney failure a few weeks later. Where is your Jesus now?

A study of nearly 1000 brain scans has revealed striking differences between men and women… Shocking!

According to recent research by VU University Amsterdam, people care more about the long-term when they make decisions in natural environments as opposed to urban ones. This maybe has something to do with the fact that we prefer to do mushrooms in nature than in the city. Long-term visions…


Taking the Greyhound down to the States was a bitch because you couldn’t smoke weed and the wifi doesn’t let you go on IG, YouTube or Netflix… This isn’t a fucking school outing, goddamn it!


Oh, and the Albany bus terminal was a real shithole…


We still lied to kids about some fat pedophile named Santa who gave you presents if you sat on his lap and behaved all year-round…


North Philly was broke as fuck…


Making public art with used Maxi pads was the flavor of the month…


We had these primitive robot slaves we called appliances.


This line by Jadakiss demonstrated the irony of our economic structure…

Harlems, Jordans/ The ‘hood can’t afford them
So they bootlegged them/ Now everybody sport ‘em


This was a corner where women worked the type of nine to five that starts in the PM and finishes in the AM…


A woman named Sharkeisha became famous after a video of her assaulting another girl went viral on the internet. The guy from 2 Fast 2 Furious died in a car crash and a bunch of people were killed at various Walmart locations during the Black Friday sales. November was good month for the World Of Shit.

What will the future think about this? Who will they see as the real primitive cultures that were around at the turn of our century? The savages in the jungles who lived in harmony with this planet or the people who died over a $50 rebate on a Playstation 4?  Is it the poor bastards who robbed food for survival or the noble businessmen who shot animals for trophy heads? What will they think of our affinity to such useless things as jewelry and overpriced garments? How will they perceive our thirst for fame and our obsessive idolization of celebs? Now, think of what type of legacy you’re leaving for these future civilizations to discover. Will they give you props or think that you were just another stain? Were you part of the people who were conscious of these events or did you live your whole life with your head up your ass?

To be honest, we don’t even need to go all that deep in to the future. Many of us already think all these things are really fucked up. This is why we’re mooks and we don’t have much consideration for a giant chunk of this society in which we don’t have much of a place to fit in. Instead of crying about it we created our own shit: Our own movement which represents these transitional times, odd subcultures and alternative ideologies. We stood up and protested in a way that was entertaining rather than preachy and annoying. We refused to monetize on ads to give you a commercial-free experience. This was us and this is just how we got down. To anyone who will be reading this in the far future, much respect! Hope this helps you guys in any way or at least makes you lol a few times. I hope that you’re no longer celebrating Jesus’s birthday. I hope you no longer have to use condoms and have solved many of the problems that we face today. I hope you still get to Broxe in the future.

Kind regards,


(c) MOOK-LIFE – Read entire story here.