A true honour…

I woke up one morning a few weeks ago to find this link posted on my wall.

It is a video that someone from another country edited of their account of their favorite clips of me bboying over the years.

It was a true honour to have someone create a dedication clip to the many hard years I’ve put into this dance.

Much respect to my man “titou2k3″ from France for putting this clip together.

Sorry I haven’t posted on here in a while !!!
Things have been awesomely busy but I will be sure to post some of the fun times soon.

Got lots of exciting things coming up: doing another TED x talk in Sudbury, did an amazing and inspiring talk with Lazylegz up in Orillia last week for a disabilities conference during March break and been doing 2 to 3 conferences almost each week.

Crazy times ahead with the UNITY Festival just announced for July 12 to 15, 2012. Don’t miss it! If you’re in Toronto I hope to see you there (bboy battles, spoken word poetry slam, beatbox battle and the big full day concert at Dundas Square).
PS if you have facebook: please go to this link and “register to donate” and then click “share to donate” to donate $1 to my organization UNITY Charity (it doesn’t cost you a thing, just 30 seconds of your time)
Please check it out at this link: http://www.facebook.com/hilroy.ca?sk=app_288444164558822

Peace and much love,

– Piecezzzz

(c) Bboy Piecez BLOG – Read entire story here.