Beet the System-help make more stickers!


Beet the System Kickstarter
If you’ve ever had the above sticker on your Nalgene water bottle, consider helping my buddy Breakfast’s kickstarter campaign (maybe he should have started a stickkarter!). He’s in the mood to print more stickers and is asking for support with the costs. Help him out, I want to see many more thousands of goofy food puns plastered across all surfaces of the continent!

We have made and distributed thousands of these stickers with our own money….But guess what? We’re broke. Lets make more.

We have made and distributed thousands and thousands of these stickers since 2000. We want to make more and distribute them as always….for FREE. So far they have been included in catalogs, sent to street artists all over the world and packed in produce boxes and shipped everywhere people eat vegetables that are grown in the northeast corner of Vermont. People always ask us for more and we would love to continue distributing them, of course, for free. Our goal is to raise enough money to do a very large run of stickers that would satisfy current demands for another ten years!

(c) Justseeds: Blog – Read entire story here.