60 Seconds Of The Most Insane 3D Exposure Street Art

Insane 51, a Greek street artist, is renowned for his pioneering work in 3D “double exposure” graffiti.

This unique technique allows viewers to see different images through 3D glasses, revealing multiple layers of meaning within a single artwork. His murals often explore themes of human emotion and complex identity through visually stunning and technologically innovative methods. Insane 51 has contributed significantly to the global street art scene, transforming walls into impressive multi-dimensional stories.

This 60-second video showcases some of the most groundbreaking double exposure 3D graffiti:


60 seconds of the most insane 3D exposure street art. Street Art by Insane 51.

♬ Vivaldi Winter Drill – veneris

Some of Insane 51’s murals as photos:

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