2014 in 36 shots….

It’s the last few hours of 2014 and I’m feeling hella nostalgic bumping 80’s Soviet speed metal looking at the photos from the past year.
Browsing through, I noticed a lot of highlights, some on a personal level, others are milestones in excellence and achievement. All in all, every year I’m not in the army or in prison is pretty much a huge success. If I had only one roll of 36 shots to shoot the entire year it would look something like this……



2014 was definitely a huge year for both Tommy and Big Jo The Legend. Back stage, gripping bread and toasting to a prosperous life. Super happy to see these stains get world recognition for their undeniable talents and hard work. On est laaaa mon gars!


The annual trip to Switzerland on mushrooms is always a mega highlight. Not one sad person in this photo.



This is me and the dog is winter. I’ve had about enough of this shit. BROXE VOL 2 was shaping up nice during these dead months of boredom…


2014 Was def the year of the Slavsquat. Lots of outstanding performances by world renown masters…. The new Slavsquat Olympics are about to drop in a month or two. Please submit your entry via email. Deadline is at the end of January. Preferably in 35mm.


A lot of medical licenses got stripped this year. This was some of the last of the legal tender…..



The year of the beard and side-part combo most often accompanied by tattoos and aviators… I shot a whole collection of them at the 2014 SXSW.. Peep game.


One of the realest Slavsquats of the year.


Huge shallout to my favorite lunchtime fancy spot in the old port where I bring the biggest mooks and get props from the Chef. Also, shallout to Yung Paris AKA African Vogue for having some of the illest outfits on the reg and rocking face paint on a casual Monday…



Vandal Vixen at the Mook Life house party with her albino snake. We only had a few parties this year but they were all super exclusive. Ask around….


Broxe suit was one of the freshest Mook Life accessories to date. Maybe we come out with a new version for spring this year.



May is the best month for taking photos of garbage. The snow melts and the gems appear. It’s a wonderful time.


Went to Philly a whole bunch of times in 2014 and was able to produce a serious body of work highlighting one of Americas most fucked up neighborhoods: North Philadelphia. This joined project I’m doing with Jenny Liz Ponte will hopefully drop sometime summer 2015.


Spring time sessions are always appreciated after the long hibernation period. Shallout to Mutt and Ezekiel.



Broxe in full effect. Tom Danks and Ugo Chavez: Most Valuable Chilleurs in the game. Always down to hop in the whip unprepared and fuck off to a random watering hole… Respect.


Few trips to Ottawa… Shallout to RideshareBae. Best Air bnb in town!


Not sure if this was June Or July but this photoshoot with Mori$$ Regal was one of my favorite of the year. Make sure to peep the lord’s Soundcloud and bump the project for which I shot the cover..



First time I went to Picnic Electronic…..


Shallout to my brother, my Irani baba, my G since day one, CeasRock AKA Immigrant Black AKA Skirt Skipper…. Shallout to Bike Gang speeding down the Jacques Cartier bridge….


Much love to my NYC fam. Nutcrackers under the Queen’s Bridge after a free outdoors Mobb Deep concert. I live for this shit.



Nova Scotia is the only place I really want to be during the month of August. More precisely, Cape Breton. One of Canada’s most slept on lamping spots..

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The annual DC TFO WF BBQ in the Bronx. The BROXE in full swing with the whole fam. Nothing but pure love. Can’t wait till this year’s jam. Salute!


Paquetteville… Best album of the year. Hands fucking down…..


One of the craziest highlights in 2014 was doing acid with these mooks 3 hours up north. Legendary Paquetville album presentation and chair throwing competition in the water…

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This year Montreal has seen more cones on the street than any other time in human history. Most amount of closed roads and highest taxes payed for absolutely nothing…

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The biggest highlight of September was definitely the Puerto Rican day parade in North Philly. Extremely mooked out. Definitly going back this year again.



Building a new society out in Gaspésie. I got a post coming up about how we will save ourselves in case of a world wide disaster. Stay tuned.


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2014 was particularly intense with all the World Of Shit events going on globally. Really hope it settles down in the upcoming year but I highly doubt it.



This is probably one of the illest moments of my life not just in 2014. I was out in the narrow channels of the mangroves down in the south Florida everglades with Soma and Skore. We had smoked a pinner and kayaked our way deep in to the water forest. At one point the channel oppened up in to this clearing where tons of big ass birds started wilding out and flying all over the place. It was surreal. Nature trumps everything.


Les Anticipaterus rocking shit this year from December to December… Make sure to peep their show on the 3rd of January at Cabaret Underworld. It will be the last show at the venue as it got sold to someone else. RIP Cabaret Underworld. Yous hosted some legendary parties and shows. Thank you!


I just want to take the time to thank every single person who helped me along the way and all the dedicated mooks who keep supporting this movement after 4 years. Shit is getting stronger by the minute and the best part is that it’s 100{ed1b542e18a3fdb29a343f0bf5604cce6e71819c6df381e846b4d07cb9d1dc18} organic. No advertising, no name dropping, never asking for attention, always doing this for pure and honest motives. Thank you all for being part of this movement and giving mooks across the world something to belong to. RESPECT

I’m not gonna start giving the typical speech about how 2015 is “our year” and how we are “taking over” and all that played out gay shit. I just want everyone on this planet to be living their life to their fullest potential, even people who don’t like me or what this shit stands for. Ultimately, the happier everyone is, the better off we are. I wish you all great success and lots of love in your life before you die.

See you next year.


(c) MOOK-LIFE – Read entire story here.